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What a find! The perfect opportunity to own your first home, or add to your investment portfolio. This two bedroom plus bungalow home provides the opportunity to add your own personal touches. Ideal for first home buyers and also those families with teenagers who need that little bit of their own space. The main bedroom has a separate large dressing room with lots of hanging space, lounge with wood heater and reverse cycle split system. Bathroom with shower over bath, internal and external toilets, and a large kitchen. The man of the house has been taken care of with a large powered oversize double garage and established vegetable garden. The enclosed rear yard is perfect for your fur babies. The local market is still in an upswing, here is your chance to jump in at base level. This home has lots of potential, live in straight away and update to your own tastes later. Located in a quiet street close to all amenities, it won’t last long. Features: - Recently been re-wired - New instantaneous gas hot water system.
Fully Fenced
Open Fire Place
Split System Aircon